4.9. Transmission Schedule
This page allows you to look for dates of transmissions (past and scheduled) within a defined period of time, for all brady patients in the clinic.
4.9.1. Filter the Schedule
Quickly filter the schedule by the following options:
- Today: to display all transmissions, received and due, today
- Tomorrow: to display all transmissions scheduled to be received tomorrow
- Rest of week: to display all transmissions scheduled to be received from tomorrow to the end of the week.
Search by date range
- Define a date range by selecting the dates from the calendar fields then press Go to display the corresponding scheduled follow ups in the table below.
- If the date range is in the past and does not include today, the report displays all the transmissions received.
- If the date range is in the past and includes today, the report also displays the transmissions in progress.
- If the date range starts in the past and ends in the future, the report displays all the transmissions received, the transmissions in progress, and the transmissions scheduled to be received.
- If the date range is in the future and does not include today, the report displays all the transmissions scheduled to be received.
- If the date range is in the future and includes today, the report also displays the transmissions in progress.
4.9.2. Transmissions schedule table
- Patient/ID
- This column shows the name of the patient and their ID as defined during the patient enrollment.
- Click on the patient's name to access their profile.
- This column shows the patient's date of birth.
- Device
- This column shows the device model and type for this patient.
- Phone
- This column shows the patient’s phone number.
- Followed At
- This column indicates if the patient is equipped at home (Home) or comes to a central point of care to perform transmissions (Point of Care)
- Physician
- This column shows primary physician for this patient.
- Last Remote Follow Up
- This column indicates the date of the last transmitted follow up.
- Click on the date to go to those transmission details.
- Follow Up Date
- This column indicates the date of the next scheduled follow up. It also indicates with icons if the follow-up is scheduled to be a remote transmission, or if it will be an in-clinic visit.
- Click on the date to go to the patient's follow up schedule.
- Status
- This column shows the status of the transmission. Bold indicates a NEW transmission
- Complete
- Indicates that the transmission was reviewed and completed, and is now stored in the transmission History.
- Pending
- Indicates that the transmission was reviewed but is left open in the New Transmission list for action.
- New
- Indicates that the transmission is available for review in the New transmission list.
- Late
- Indicates that a transmission was due at the Follow-up date, but the patient did not perform the transmission. The cell is empty for any future scheduled transmission.
Informed / Type
- For implanted devices allowing wireless communication, this column shows the type of transmission received (PIT, Alert, Follow up). If the transmission is scheduled in the future, the type is empty. If the transmission is scheduled in the future but the date is not stored in the SMARTVIEW™ Connect, the type is marked with an asterisk “*”.
- For implanted devices not allowing wireless communication, all received transmission will be of type “PIT”. For scheduled manual transmissions, this column will contain a checkbox, to indicate that the patient has been informed or reminded that he/she has to perform a manual transmission at the date indicated in the column “Follow up Date”.
- When a transmission is due but was not performed by the patient, the website displays information in the New transmission list with a Late status. If the health professional decides to dismiss this Late transmission (by selecting the line and then Dismiss), then the transmission is no longer due and will no longer appear in the Transmission schedule table.