8.1. General Settings

Click on path: My Profile

Use My Profile to change your personal details and login parameters. My Profile allows you to:

  • Modify personal access settings
  • Change your password

8.1.1. Profile information For French clinics only For users listed in the Health Directory

The user information in SMARTVIEW from the Health Directory can be updated by clicking on the Update information button. The same Professional's national identifier is used to query the Health Directory again. Once the information has been retrieved from the Health Directory, the following fields are updated:
Professional's national identifier from the Health directory
Profession or Specialty from the Health directory
Category of Healthcare professional from the Health directory
First Name
User first name from the Health directory
Last Name
User last name from the Health directory 

In the case of a mismatch between the SMARTVIEW user and the registered professional from the Health directory, click on Modify all to change the association.

When the user has logged in using PRO SANTE CONNECT (PCS) at least once, the following message is displayed The user has activated the connection with PCS 

For users not listed in the Health Directory
If you want to associate the SMARTVIEW account with a registered professional from the Health directory, click on Modify. This will display the interface for searching in the Health Directory described in Create New User For clinics in all countries (including France)

* Username
This field cannot be modified after it has been defined in user setup
* First Name
Required field. Up to 50 letters are allowed. This field is automatically filled in for French users listed in the Health directory.
* Last Name
Required field. Up to 50 letters are allowed. This field is automatically filled in for French users listed in the Health directory.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number according to the country format.
You may use spaces, periods, plus signs, parentheses and dashes.
Mobile Number
Enter the mobile number. You may use spaces, full stops, plus signs, brackets and dashes.
* Email
Required field. Enter your email address. Up to 256 characters are allowed. You may use "@" and "." along with letters and numbers.
* Role
Required field. Select one role for this user within this clinic.
Clinic administrator: This person performs all administrative tasks for the clinic in the SMARTVIEW™. A clinic may have more than one administrator. The administrator may also be a physician.
Physician with write privileges: This physician will have access to all patient information within the clinic, will be able to schedule and complete remote follow ups, and add additional users to the system. There is currently no role that allows for a physician to have read only access.
Assistant: This person may be a nurse, technician, allied healthcare professional or other similar professional. This role will have access to all patient information within the clinic, will be able to schedule and complete remote follow ups, and add additional users to the system.
Referral with read only privileges: This physician will only have read only access to view their patients' information. This role will not be able to complete remote follow ups or view clinic administrative screens. Two factor authentication with SMS

You can activate two-factor authentication for your account in order to ensure secure access to your account.
Once activated, you will be asked to enter a pincode that will be communicated to you with an SMS sent to your mobile phone.
Click on the “Activate“ button to enable the two-factor authentication. Then, fill in the phone number to be used for sending the SMS and click “OK”. In order to verify the phone number that was entered, an SMS with a six digit pincode will be sent. When you have received the SMS, fill in the pincode on screen then click on “OK”. If your administrator authorizes you, you can disable two-factor authentication by clicking on “Deactivate”.
By default, the pincode will be asked every 7 days unless you have checked "Activate Two-factor authentication at each logon". This option activates the verification of the second factor at every login.