8.2. Password Settings

You must enter your current password in order to access your password settings.

8.2.1. Create New Password

When creating a new password, do not use an old password. It must not have been one of the three most recent passwords.

The password must contain 8 characters minimum (max: 64) with at least:

  • 1 upper case letter
  • 1 lower case letter
  • 1 number
  • 1 special character: ! # $ % & ; ( ) * + - / = @ \ _ | ~
Confirm Password
Re-enter the new password. Copying and pasting is not allowed.

8.2.2. Password Recovery Questions and Answers

Question / Answer
If you forget your password you will be asked a random question to answer in order to create a new password. If you are unable to answer the question within three attempts, you will be locked out of the system and will need to call your Clinic Administrator to unlock your account.

The questions and answers must meet the following rules:

  • Each question and corresponding answer must be unique
  • Each answer must contain an answer different from the question
  • Do not use Yes or No answers