4.4. Alert conditions

The device is programmed to automatically detect alert conditions.

  • Alert conditions are predefined in the implantable device.
  • Regardless of the remote ON/OFF setting, the device will record detected alerts and a message will be displayed in the Warning section of the patient report.
  • When alert conditions are met and remote transmission is authorized, the patient report containing the alert will be transmitted during the following evening. Authorization of remote transmissions is granted in the MicroPort programmer.


The pacemaker should be replaced as soon as the Recommended Replacement Time (RRT)* point is reached.
*: corresponds to the previously used Elective Replacement Indicator (ERI).

The alert conditions are categorized as follows:

C T Alert description
RED Critical alert Battery Depletion – RRT

Device Reset

System Integrity (System integrity includes several technical alerts, all to be analyzed by MicroPort experts.)

MV Oversensing

Abnormal RV lead impedance

Abnormal A lead impedance

High RV Autothreshold †

RV threshold over max tested amplitude†

High A Autothreshold†

A threshold over max tested amplitude†

A Lead Polarity Switch

RV Lead Polarity Switch

YELLOW Significant alert

High AT/AF Burden

Fast Ventricular rate during AT/AF

Sleep apnea

Asynchronous mode

MRI notification

V Burst Occurrence

† Devices with Autothreshold feature only