6.2.4. Patient Alert Settings

This tab is available for implanted devices allowing wireless communication.

Click on path: PATIENTS (All Patients) > Patient Name > ALERT SETTINGS

The clinic default setting apply to all patients by default.

This page allows you to override the clinic notification settings for this patient.

NOTE: critical and significant alert settings can be customized with the programmer during a clinic visit. Patient Initiated Transmissions

The clinic setting is displayed for you to compare to the setting you want to apply to this patient.

  • Allow a Single transmission:
    • once a patient is enrolled in the system, they may transmit once by pushing the button on the monitoring device
    • a single patient initiated transmission can occur. After the transmission occurred, the user can authorize a new on-demand transmission by selecting the Reset once button.
  • Always allow the patient to initiate transmissions:
    • patients in this clinic will always be able to push the button to send a transmission whenever they feel symptoms
  • Do not allow the patient to initiate transmissions:
    • the system will not respond if the patient pushes the button on the monitoring device
    • there will be no transmission
For ‘single’ or ‘Always Allowed’ settings, patient can only perform one Patient Initiated Transmission in a 24-hour period. Alert Settings

This section allows you to deactivate the clinic notification settings for this patient, for each of the 4 categories of events:

  • Red (Critical) Alerts
  • Yellow (Significant) Alerts
  • Patient Initiated Transmissions
  • ICD Communications (Communications about connection issues between the implanted device and the monitoring device)

Note that if a clinic setting is “Do Not Send” then it will not be available for the patient.

Clinic Settings
  • Send: the notification is turned on for an alert event
  • Do Not Send: the notification is turned off for an alert event
Patient Settings
The patient settings are editable and can be turned off if the clinic setting is Send. The default corresponds to the clinic setting.
  • Send: the notification is turned on for an alert event
  • Do Not Send: the notification is turned off for an alert event Muted alert settings

To manage a large volume of alerts more easily, it is possible to select the most relevant alerts for each patient. It is possible to filter alerts after at least one transmission has been received by SMARTVIEW RMS.

After configuration of the filtered alerts, they will be presented as “muted” on the SMARTVIEW UI as follows:

  • muted alerts from a Scheduled transmission will be presented as ‘Muted’ in NEW FOLLOW-UPS
  • muted alerts from a Patient Initiated transmission will be presented as ‘Muted’ in EVENTS
  • muted alerts from an Alert initiated transmission will be presented as 'Muted' in NEW MUTED EVENTS.

All alerts, either unmuted or muted, are always visible in Transmission History from Patient Profile.

Mute “System alerts” not possible
It is neither possible to deactivate system alerts in the implant memory via the SMARTVIEW programmer nor via the SMARTVIEW RMS. System alerts do not appear in the muted alert configuration table of the patient.
Muted alerts configuration table
The muted alerts configuration table will only be displayed after at least 1 transmission has been performed for the patient since the feature was activated. Until then, a message specifying that this configuration of muted alerts will only be available after display of the next transmission.

Three columns are displayed in the muted alerts configuration table:

  • Alert: the list of available alerts (model-specific)
  • List of enabled alerts: the alerts that were used/created/updated in the last transmission (the ones with a check mark), the date of the last transmission is displayed. For each alert, the checkbox indicates if the alert was reported in the last transmission.
  • Muted: the alerts that it is possible to mute in the next patient transmissions. For each alert, the checkbox indicates if the alert must be muted.

Select all the alerts you want to mute in column 3, then press “Save”. Save

Click on Save to update the patient's alert notification settings and display a confirmation message at the top of the page.