5.3.4. Device Management

Time to RRT

Leads impedance
Leads sub sections report the same data available in the device management summary.
Notes for each display:
  • if the impedance measurement is out of the programmed normal range, the value will be highlighted
    • ≤200 or >3000 ohms indicate values outside the range 200 – 3000 ohms instead of exact values
Threshold and Output values will be displayed in grey if the last saved value during a clinic visit.
Atrial Lead
Atrial lead sub section presents the following last saved data:
  • P Waves (mV) performed beat to beat in millivolts
    • Value: measured amplitude
    • Measured on: date
  • Threshold (V and ms): the last saved pacing threshold value in Volts and milliseconds 
    • Value: measured amplitude
    • Measured on: date
  • Output (V and ms): programmed atrial channel output in Volts and milliseconds 
  • Impedance (ohms): the last impedance measurements (performed every six hours)

Graphs plotted by the daily mean value:

  • Detection: 6 month trend of P Wave amplitude
  • Impedance: 6 month trend of atrial lead impedance
  • Autothreshold: 6 month trend of Atrial Threshold and output
RV Lead
RV lead sub section presents the following last saved data:
  • R Waves (mV) performed beat to beat in millivolts
    • Value: measured amplitude
    • Measured on: date
  • Threshold (V and ms): the last saved pacing threshold value in Volts and milliseconds
    • Value: measured amplitude
    • Measured on: date
  • Output (V and ms): programmed RV channel output in Volts and milliseconds
  • Impedance (ohms): the last impedance measurements (performed every six hours)

Graphs plotted by the daily mean value:

  • Detection: 6 month trend of R Wave amplitude
  • Impedance: 6 month trend of RV lead impedance
  • Autothreshold: 6 month trend of Ventricular Threshold and output

5.3.5. Therapies summary

The summary graph is composed of several 6 month records synthesized to present a snapshot of the patient's cardiac rhythm. Trends are synchronized.

Heart Rate
The heart rate trends the two daily means of atrial rhythm line and ventricular rhythm.
A & V Pacing
Trend of pacing percentage, computed with respect to the total number of ventricular cycles.
Time in AF
Trend of the daily time spent in AF by the patient.
Time in Activity
Trend of the daily time spent in Activity by the patient which corresponds to a heart rate > 100 bpm
Respiration Disturbance Index (RDI)
Trends of the RDI over the last six months, with indication of Valid nights and Severity Threshold.