7.3. Add a User

Click on path: CLINIC > Add a User

Add a new user to this clinic. You can create a new user or assign a user you know is already in the system.

7.3.1. Create New User For French clinics only

It is possible to retrieve data on all registered French Healthcare professionals from the National Health directory. The SMARTVIEW account can be with or without associating a registered user from the Health Directory. When linked, the user will be able to authenticate with Pro Santé Connect (PCS). New users linked with the Health Directory

Search Health Directory
Fill one or more of the search fields “Name”, “First name” or “RPPS or ADELI ID” then click the “Search Health Directory” button to query the directory. The results of the query will be displayed on screen.
Enter at least the first 3 letters of the user's Name 
First name
Enter at least the first 3 letters of the user's First name 
Enter the Professional's national identifier

Select the matching user and click on the Confirmation button. The SMARTVIEW account is linked with the Health Directory and the following user information is updated on screen automatically.

Professional's national identifier from the Health directory
Profession or Specialty from the Health directory
Category of Healthcare professional from the Health directory
First Name
User's first name from the Health directory
Last Name
User's last name from the Health directory
In case the matching user is incorrect, you can click on the “Modify” button to go back and search the Heath Directory again. New users not linked with the Health Directory

Users not listed in the Health Directory
If the health care professional is not listed in the Health directory, click on this button to proceed with the creation of the SMARTVIEW account with no association with the Health directory. For clinics in all countries (including France)

* First Name
Required field. Enter the user's first name. Up to 50 characters are allowed. This field is automatically filled in for French users listed in the Health directory.
* Last Name
Required field. Enter the user's last name. Up to 50 characters are allowed. This field is automatically filled in for French users listed in the Health directory.
* Username
Required field. Enter a username for this user. Up to 50 characters are allowed.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number according to the country format. You may use spaces, periods, plus signs, parentheses and dashes.
France format: nn.nn.nn.nn.nn
Germany format: nn nnn nnn nnn
Italy format: nn nnnnn nnn
Spain format: nnn.nnn.nnn
United Kingdom format: nnnnn nnnnnn
Austria format: nnnn nnnnnnnn
Switzerland format: nn nnn nnnn
Netherlands format: nnn nnnnnn
Portugal format: n nnnn nnnn
Norway format: n nnn nnnn
Sweden format: nnn nnnnnnnn
Belgium format: nn nnn nnn
Australia format: n nnnn nnnn
Japan format: nn nnn nnnn
Canada format : nnn nnn nnnn
Mobile Number
Enter the mobile number. You may use spaces, periods (full stops), plus signs and dashes.
* Email
Required field. Enter the email address for this user. Up to 256 characters are allowed. You may use "@" and "." along with letters and numbers. This e-mail address is used by SMARTVIEW™ to send the login information to the user. Users should pay special attention and verify the accuracy of the email address.
* Role
Required field. You may select more than one role for a user in this clinic.
Clinic administrator: This person performs all administrative tasks for the clinic in the SMARTVIEW™. A clinic may have more than one administrator. The administrator may also be a physician.
Physician with write privileges: This physician will have access to all patient information within the clinic, will be able to schedule and complete remote follow ups, and add additional users to the system. There is currently no role that allows for a physician to have read only access.
Assistant: This person may be a nurse, technician, allied healthcare professional or other similar professional. This role will have access to all patient information within the clinic, will be able to schedule and complete remote follow ups, and add additional users to the system.
Referral with read only privileges: This physician will only have read only access to view their patients' information. This role will not be able to complete remote follow ups or view clinic administrative screens.

7.3.2. Assign User (Find a User)

Last Name
Enter the Last Name of the user. Up to 50 letters are allowed.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number according to the country format (examples above).
You may use spaces, full stops, plus signs, brackets and dashes.

7.3.3. Assign User (Search Results)

Select one or more users from the list by clicking the checkbox, then click the Assign button to assign the users to this clinic.
Assign User(s) and Find Another
Saves this user to this clinic and takes you to the Add User page to find another user.
Assign User(s) and Go to List
Saves this user to this clinic and takes you to the user list for this clinic.

7.4. Automatic Patient Deletion

The personal data from patients that are no longer followed remotely by your healthcare facility need to be deleted from the SMARTVIEW Remote monitoring Software, in accordance with European Laws for data protection (GDPR), and because data processing is performed in European countries.

Deleting a patient can be done by a clinic Administrator in the Patient profile page. Go to PATIENTS > "Patient Profile" to find instructions.

Otherwise SMARTVIEW Remote monitoring Software will perform automatically patient deletion. When no remote monitoring transmission from patient is received after a long inactivity period, the process of automatic deletion begins:
  • A first notification is sent to inform that the patient will be deleted soon: six months before the end of the inactivity period
  • A second notification is sent to inform that the patient will be deleted soon: three months before the end of the inactivity period
  • The patient deletion is performed automatically when reaching the end of the activity period.

The notifications are sent to all the active clinic administrators.

NOTE: No notification is sent when the patient is actually deleted from SMARTVIEW Remote monitoring software.

NOTE: Depending on your country's national laws, the data retention period follows the patient deletion, either the patient was deleted by a clinic administrator or automatically.

The inactivity period for automatic patient deletion is 10 years.